Here's what users has to say about
in 2022

Margo Thomas
My supernote has helped to keep me on track with my very busy logistics role. While the international logistic struggles have impacted every business in different ways, having my supernote note the linking of titles within my notebooks have managed to make it extremely seemless to keep control. Cannot believe how much of a difference my supernote has made. Best purchase in a long time"

Cath Hopson
I love the fact I gave been able to organise my notes so beautifully. Client notes go into their own respective folders - no more which notebook did I have for that client's meeting? Have I completed my tasks? Thank you stars!And now with links to create a personalised index/table of contents which makes it even easier to go to the note I need. One step closer to a paper free office

Heather Lynne
I’ve had my Supernote for a month now. The first thing I did with it was start a log when my chickens began laying their first eggs right after I got my SN in the mail! 🤣 I keep track of how many were laid each day, how many were cracked, frozen, or laid in an odd place (like the dog house, lol!) And I do all the nerdy math at the end of the month: averages, losses, etc.
As a writer, I plan to use it for my character bibles, outlines, and whatever else for novel writing. My hubby is so grateful I will no longer be bringing home piles of notebooks every Back-to-School Sale!

Lakshman Ganatra
I got my supernote in June this year. I bought it for 2 main reasons, to streamline my work and help with my ethos of becoming more eco friendly.I am a child psychologist so write notes all day everyday and was going through paper like no tomorrow. For my job I have to keep these notes for 7 years past the child’s 18th birthday, so that’s a lot of paper to keep. SN means I don’t have to use any paper and I’ve gone from using 2 full a4 note books a month to less than 5 sheets of paper. It has also helped me by streamlining my notes which can be shared easily and can find information quicker.
At a personal level it’s helped me by not carrying around lots of books so has helped my back pain. It has also aided my personal ethos to be more eco friendly and my companies directive to become sustainable (we donate money to plant a tree for every appointment we have).For 2023, I have several work projects which I will plan out on the SN and also am hoping to share this method with colleagues to jointly work with.My personal goals for 2023 include writing a book, and reading one book a month, both which SN will help with.

Joel Oliveira
The only problem with my Supernote is that I have to dispute it with my youngest daughter. She loves to do drawings on it (and I love to use them as screensaver)!

Jason Schaefer
I received my A5X in late August 2022, just in time to begin using it for my final two terms. I had first seen the Supernote in reviews on YouTube done by Kitt Betts-Masters and Pixel Leaves, and after a fair amount of research I became convinced the A5X was the device for me. I'm studying Counseling Psychology, and there's a lot of reading and writing in my graduate program. After two years of online courses during the pandemic, I was going to have to shift to attending courses in person in Fall 2022. I live in Portland, and the courses occur on campus near Santa Barbara about once a month. I struggle with organization, and I was looking for a solution to help manage my notes and coursework.
The A5X has been amazing! I have been buying epub versions of my textbooks and other course readings are in pdf format. At the beginning of the term, I take some time and set up a folder for each of my courses and load all of the reading material for the course into the folder along with the syllabus. When I fly to Santa Barbara for class, I don't need to take anything but my Supernote to attend classes. It has all my readings with my notes both directly in the reading material and in separate note files. And I don't need to bring even an extra notebook to class, because I take notes in the Supernote! It's been a fantastic solution.
Now I've shifted into writing my thesis for my degree, and the bulk of my study time is devoted to reading and taking notes, outlining and writing my thesis. As you can imagine, the Supernote has been perfect for these tasks as well. I'm looking forward to graduating this spring.
Lastly, but certainly not least, I have used the A5X to create a workflow for using in my practicum therapy practice. I created a template for session notes, and I take notes right on the device while in session with my clients. As soon as the session is over, I connect via USB and transfer the note to a secure location on my computer. It works perfectly, and this function will continue long after my degree is complete.
I love my Supernote. The writing feel is amazing. Frankly, I like it better than writing on paper. The combination of the pliable writing surface with the ceramic nib on the HOM pen is ideal for my taste.
My only regret is that I didn't have the Supernote from the start of my grad program. It would have made the first two years of my program much simpler.
I'm grateful for the device and I've been shocked in the most pleasant way at the responsiveness of Ratta's Supernote team to its community of users both in the way they respond to users' concerns and in rolling out new and truly useful updates. Bravo!

Karen Joy Fritz
My Supernote became my safe haven "away from the keyboard" for journaling and doing the inner work that is the foundation for all my personal goals. In 2023, I'd love to develop some journal templates for others to explore the inner landscape!

Devin Connolly
I’ve had my A5X for three days and I’ve already accomplished so much! I now have a reliable place to keep everything that used to live in piles of notebooks covered in tiles of sticky notes. The mental calm I’ve experienced in not having to look around for all of these scraps of paper is HUGE - I consider it a tremendous accomplishment.
Using my SN has also helped me get my handwriting back. I use a template I downloaded on the SN website to practice my cursive. I forgot how to write cursive in English after I started writing Cyrillic cursive 20 years ago, but I used to have gorgeous script and I’m starting to get that back.
My favorite is this; I have a note I call “Start Here!” that I use every day. This is from the “hand sketch diary” template and it’s a little morning “note to self” that I write before bed each night. I include some dorky doodles in the top frame and some reminders for myself in the lined portion below. It has done a lot for my mindset in the morning, which typically hasn’t been the best time for me.
I’ve always envied “morning people,” but my efforts have fallen flat. I’m seeing small progress here and that means so much to me.I am just starting to discover all of these possibilities with my SN and I’m very excited to see what other goals it will help me reach going forward!

Melissa Martinez Leo
Supernote really helped me this year as I navigated my amplified ADHD traits from stress and after giving birth. I've been able to retain more of what I read from being able to highlight things and helped me keep things organized by having all my notes in one place (vs. Post It's everywhere).
These are small things but when you're not getting enough sleeps, when you're struggling to remember things and focus - these little things really make a world of difference.

I got my Supernote just in time for National Novel Writing Month and it was an excellent Nanowrimo device, because it combined the good parts of paper (non-distracting, tactile) with the good parts of technology (being able to create tables of contents on the fly, starring and keywording to find important scenes and characters later, adding and subtracting pages as needed, and even linking). In 2023 I hope to keep using my Supernote as a writing device, and to start using it as a planner as well.

I write. I journal. I express my thoughts on paper. It's my release. It's part of a healing journey. I had at least 10 different journals, all holding my very private thoughts. There was always a worry and hindrance about privacy when using paper. Typing on a keyboard doesn't provide the same cathartic release as writing with pen and paper.Then along came Supernote.I write. I journal. I express my thoughts. I release the pain, angst, anxieties, and capture the joys of the journey that is life. It's all in one place now. Safely behind a password protected homepage.

Owner of A5X
It's been many years of change for me as I moved from a much-higher paying job into a role that allows me to help heal the human psyche and heart as a counsellor. In 2022, I see the hard work begin to bear fruit as I start providing therapy to many people. My trusty Supernote and pen has been an integral part of it as I use it in my sessions with clients to take notes. Supernote has saved me so much time and also enabled me to draw and show diagrams or pictures to show my clients on the spot. I can't imagine going into a therapy session now without the Supernote and pen. I hope my Supernote lasts for a long time to come, and I am very appreciative of the updates and improvements made by the Supernote team regularly. It's been great!

I've had my SN for close to half a year now. I'm not very artistic, or anything like that, so I was worried I wouldn't get enough value out of it.But it turns out, I love that I can organise my to-do list in writing, and lasso/shift them around to reprioritise! I could do the same digitally, but I cannot draw arrows here and there, or add circles / asterisks to mark out key items as easily as I can on the SN. I also like that I can read e-books/PDFs, without staring at a screen (goodness knows I spend enough time doing that already, for work and other forms of entertainment).As a side note, the bonus from buying a SN was getting introduced to the community here. Love how people share their work with the SN (I've done my own sharing of my templates and cover deco too!). And this community is definitely “responsible” for introducing me to a whole new world of e-pen and nibs.

Twas the night before delivery, 10 months past,
All night I was stirring, could it be here at last?
Reddit posts, shipping trackers were checked with care,
In hopes that DHL soon would be there;
As I lay nestled all snug in my bed,
The visions of possibilities danc'd in my head,
The morning brought a tracking map, 10 stops to go,
How long can each be? It seemed oh so slow.
When up my drive came that red and yellow truck,
I sprang from the window, I must be in luck.
Away to the door I flew like a flash,
Threw open the storm door, nearly got whiplash.
The yellow bag sitting on new fallen snow,
Gave the driver a wink and a hearty hello;
In short order I enacted my plan,
Set up email, Kindle, a planner, oh man!
Meeting notes with a pen, like I used to do,
But this time electronic and indexable too.
More groupings, day planning, and structure in task,
So many enhancements to workflow, I can bask:
"Doc edit, PDF marking, digest of my notes,
"Keywords, QR code transfers, and filter by layer;
"To my Heart of Metal, to my Staedtler Norris,
"Writing with pen digitally, I sing a chorus!"
Each time a new update, new features embellish,
I soon find new ways for my A5X to relish.
All this and not even the best part is said.
Support by email, on Reddit, on Youtube I read,
With Mulan and hex2asc, they meet every need.
My Deep Dive and Pixel Leaves, my learning is joy,
I just can’ say enough about my new tablet toy.
With updates in 2023, like notes to text,This is fantastic, who knows what is next.
Finally, to all that hear what I say,
Have a wonderful holiday and have a great day.

Supernote is the answer to Life, the Universe and Everything.
I carry it everywhere like a towel, even places I probably shouldn't.
It is my Guide, I would be lost without it.
My personal goal was to get more creative, work on my stories, journals and drawings and read more.
My professional goal was to get more organised, focused and efficient and get rid of all the notebooks.
My Supernote A5X has helped me to do all of these.
I was so close to buying a competitor product and I'm so happy I stumbled across Supernote.
I've been raving about it to friends, colleagues and even random people I talk to on the phone, like my insurance company this morning.
Hopefully this converts to extra sales so you can keep improving.
Even if I don't win anything, I still want you to know how much I love it.
I'm looking forward to a great future with Supernote.Thank you team, you're doing a great job, keep it up.
Merry Christmas and have a safe and Happy New Year.

I am an author and editor. This year I had a baby and started spending most of my time holding her. It became impossible to work much. With a baby I cannot write on my computer or in my paper notebook. So I decided to get Supernote.Wow! In few days with Supernote I had more done that in last 6 months. I can hold a baby with one hand and use another to write. I can just put it on the couch next to me and comfortably write. I’m back in the game!I lost a piece of my index finger as a kid and holding a pen was always annoying. I love handwriting but it’s an effort. Writing on Supernote is completely effortless and extremely pleasant. It’s so fun I want to work all the time.And last but not least, Supernote let’s me organize and re-organize my notes in the way that perfectly corresponds with my thought process. That saves me so much time.Where were you all my life, Supernote?

I've only had my Supernote about a month and I'm still figuring out my workflow, but I'm already deeply in love. It completely changed the way that I take notes for my college classes, and the keyword tool helps me find things again quickly. I also love that I can use bullet journal templates. I'm a try new stuff constantly type of person, and I can already see my SN is going to save me from spending $50 on yet another planner to see if this one will finally keep my ADHD on track.
I'm also a book reviewer as a hobby, and creating my own template to make my notes, when I should schedule my review to post, and whether I've completed it is priceless. I love that I can draw a layout once and re-use it instead of wasting time redrawing it on another static, paper page.
My 2023 is going to be very busy, with work projects, home projects, college classes, and personal goals. My Supernote is going to be my constant companion, and I'm looking forward to it.
P.S. -- I've named him Bruce, after Bruce Wayne, because "wonderful toys" and also I enjoy the idea of a billionaire serving as my personal assistant.

I learned about Supernote exactly when my work life got complicated enough that i started to need 'external memory' to keep everything straight. I got one to see if i would get along with such device and it turns out to be an extraordinary tool for the job:
- I love that i can go away from the computer and focus on my new feature requirements ant write down the system design that will back it up.
- I love to do my class diagrams on it. The natural feel of 'pen on paper' is really pleasant. I wish the canvas was bigger than the page here and i would be able to put an entire architecture on one page... :)
- I find it very pleasant and enormously useful to write my notes in the meetings on it. Much, much better than paper. The reasons for that is organization and ability to modify: after the meeting i can re-organize the notes a little bit the make them more suitable for long term retention and reference. Sometimes i expand a little bit what I wrote down in a rush during the meeting,(i love the lasso tool for picking up text and moving it around to make more room) other times i bold things (with a thicker pen) or highlight. Or remove things that turn out to not be that useful by the end of the meeting. This kind of flexibility simply did not exist with paper, along with the capability of creating a table of contents and searching.
- I love how the ceramic nib feels in the tablet surface (i know this is very subjective) so much that i started playing with drawing/doodling.
- On top of all this seeing how Ratta team behaves with their customers, and how they engage with consumers and handle feedback makes me really root for them. At least from the outside (what i can see from the perspective of a customer) this seems like a team that i would like to be part of. In fact I know one other person that likes to keep her thoughts organized on paper notebooks: my little sister. I wanted so much for her to experience how great Supernote feels that i decided to give her one as a gift for Christmas. Funny story: one moment when i wished Ratta support was more responsive was this past few weeks: i was worried that the device was not going to make it to Romania in tine for Christmas, and i ended up ordering the gift 2 days before the new HoMs became available. I wish they would have answered my question about timeline, not because the old HoMs were bad, but because the selection of colors at the time was just black.
To summarize: Supernote is helping me stay efficient at work by allowing me to keep track of the things I discuss with various colleagues on a multitude of topics that I am working on. As a bonus is encouraging me to develop my artistic side too :-)

It is so great to see the SN become such an integral part of their lives like it has mine. The community, support and passion were the main reasons why I decided to get one and it paid off. My SN literally has not left my side in the whole year I've had it.
- I've become more engaged and organised in my meetings
- I've gone through over 200 pages of to do lists
- I've saved so much paper from being printed. From building drawings and layouts to technical PDFs. Not needing to fble through 50 pages on site has been amazing.
- I've been more consistent with journalling and have better mental health for it
I've read more books than I normally would have
- Lastly I've used the SN to draw up designs and start woodworking which I've delayed for years
Thanks Rata for the amazing year and the amazing product! Keep up the amazing work!

Michelle Newte
Bought my SN in the spring and it has been my saving grace. As a long time bullet journaler, I thrive on writing everything down, planning, lists etc, but I was getting through a notebook every 4 months, then needing to transfer common information across to the next notebook.NO MORE!!I now have all my permanent info in separate notes, I have a daily planner that does everything I need for work and school, it's all back up, and NO MORE PAPER!!!The best thing though is probably this user community. Most people are helpful and honest and happy to share their knowledge and experiences.

Andrea Busch
I've received my A6x in April 2021, that makes nearly an old user, as the community here and over at Reddit really has filled up since.It was a great notebook then, and it has gotten better ever since.
So far, I've planned a whole funeral and estate inheritance in it, the move from inherited good from Germany to the UK (literally everything needed to be listed and accounted for to satisfy the tax authorities).
I'm a landlady now and have mapped out house requirements, searched and found tenants, sorted maintenance works, and took notes from endless Phonecalls, using the keywords function to keep track.
I have all my training and meeting notes from work in a single note, utilising the title function. Highlighters came in handy there as well.
I am a part-time student and I use my SN for taking notes. I've tried to use the digest on pdfs but I work better side by side, so it's an underused function, unfortunately.
I do use the calendar when planning things so I'll have appointments synced across to my phone.
And yeah, there is my "daily" journal to keep track of fuel, shopping, lists, scribbles, doodles, ideas, more lists, calls, notes, appointments, and even more lists.
I carry the A6x with me everywhere, everyday.
It has a little crack on its charger, but other than that it's in perfect condition and I hope it stays like this forever, because it now bears witness to my life.
Anyway, I need to get off the phone as I've got a day to plan, study notes to make, a Christmas dinner to write down, a shopping list to list,... A6x time.

Jack Betz
I'm building a cross-linked and keyword files for keeping notes on my tropical fish breeding and keeping hobby.

Bob Simmons
Just ordered my Supernote last night after reading all of the great comments from fellow Supernote users within this group! Thank you too all of you that have posted!
I'll be using my supernote in 2023 to track goals, work notes, journaling, joke writing, and recently my dad passed so I'll be writing a story to my son about my Dad and I!
Cheers everyone!

Spencer Ross
I made tenure this year and gifted myself an SN as a reward. As an academic, I do a lot of reading and underlining and scribbling notes and grading and peer reviews and my preference is to mark hard copies. As I'm now shifting some of my research methods away from stats, I've got nearly 2,000 pages of PDFs to read. SN has let me take it all without needing to lug my laptop, strain my eyes on my laptop, and be distracted by things on my laptop. It does so digitally with that tangible pen/paper feel I crave. And as a marketing professor, I love that the company invests in community and building value *with* its users, not just *for* its users (and the community reciprocates). My only regret was that this didn't really exist to help me *before* tenure.

Lori Smoker Young
As a healthcare compliance director, I use my Supernote to records the tips and clues I learn about what auditors expect to see when they perform inspections. By keynoting the topics, I can quickly compile these tidbits from throughout the year and prepare my team to be at the ready. I am proud to report that we received our first 'no citations' inspection this year - thank you Supernote!

Regina McCord-Fithian
I am an HR Director in Higher Ed and have daily one-on-one and committee meetings. Supernote has allowed me to maintain all of my meeting notes in one location as opposed to the dozens of notebooks I have used over the years. No more flipping through stacks and stacks of notebooks trying to find a reference to a meeting, directive, or organizational goal. No more carrying my notebooks and a planner. Everything is available when I open my folio! I have also loaded my Kindle library, so no need for a separate device for that! I have only had mine for a few months and can't wait until I have learned to use all that it offers. For now, I am happy that I have one compact, easily transportable way to keep me organized. Thank you Supernote for listening to the consumer and constantly working to improve what is already an amazing device!

Brett Alan Gershon
I committed to learning web-development as a way of expanding potential career opportunities. I’m only 4 months in to this journey, but have been able to spend time almost every day of the work week dedicated to this goal. This is a monumental accomplishment for me as I tend to be a pursuer of too many many interests and flighty in my focused study. I attribute much of ability to focus on this learning endeavor directly to Supernote as the one tool that has allowed me to keep a broad overview of all the life things and then seamlessly move into detailed note taking on my topics of study. Picking it up everyday reminds where I have just been and keeps me on track for where I am trying to get.

Jenny Huynh
My goal next year with super note is allow it to open more creative avenues for me at work and school! I’d love to carve out more personal time to brainstorm with the device in ways I can’t just on a regular computer. Excited for the advances in life I’d get to with supernote!!

Peter De Lucia
My A6x is a basic part of my life. Everything goes into it. Work, non-work, doctors appts/notes. It is just with me all day long every day. It's just that simple.

Jamee Bateau
As a financial educator who helps dozens of clients a month, the Supernote has completely changed my business. I've been able to improve the efficiency of my process by a couple hours a day, which is HUGE. No more searching for misplaced paper notes or lost post it notes. Not only does it help for client notes, but it helps for self-development notes. I'm always reading books, listening to lectures, and attending trainings. The Supernote allows me to keep all that organized while keeping the paper notebook feel. I've had this device for almost 2 years now and it's still the best purchase I've ever made👌In 2023, I plan on building a team of 20 financial educators that utilize this device as well to transform their businesses.

Nathan Pope
Priority lists, budget tracker, daily Kindle reader (w synched highlights to GoodReads), Bible study journal, brain mapping, tax deductions tracker, distraction free, pdf editor….and many more features, my Supernote has been my second brain and the source of many cool conversations. My biggest source of excitement has come from the responsiveness of customer support and their mission of taking care of current users (through regular updates and improvements) rather than putting all attention on marketing and new users. Here’s to many more years of personal growth, goal setting/tracking/hitting/achieving, and thank you to ALL who make this community fun and educational!

2022 was tough for me...dealing with some difficult personal issues and physical challenges. What really helped was getting clear on identifying what is in my control and to (try!) to let go of what doesn't. I needed a little nudge to motivate me to journal this out and since I love new tech, getting a supernote was just what I needed to do that. Thanks for a beautifully designed and esthetically pleasing product that is a joy to use every time.

I thought I would take college by storm, but the reality I was faced with my first semester was quite the opposite. I’m studying what I love, in an environment that I love, with people that I love—why am I struggling so much to keep my head above water? These were the things going through my mind as I neared the end of the semester and struggled to get through the mounds of assignments. It created a lot of doubt in my mind about whether I was even taking the right life path. And then it dawned on me: maybe my problem is not school. Maybe it’s just my method and my tools. I was trying to juggle different digital programs, physical note books, and a Kindle to get my work done. I had notes in tons of different formats scattered around my digital and analogue tools. I realized that this wasn’t a sustainable way to approach my studies. After some research, I discovered the Supernote, and it has had a massive impact. I have been able to streamline all of my notes to one location. It gives me the best of both worlds: the feeling of handwriting notes that I so enjoy, paired with the huge advantages that digital organization can provide. This has had not only an impact on my academic life, but also on my personal well-being. Switching to the Supernote has given me the courage to declutter in a way I haven’t before, and I have noticed the freedom that comes with less. Thank you so much for an amazing product and the way you have attentively cared for the needs (and totally unreasonable requests) of your customers. We are truly in your debt. Perhaps the old saying is true—not all Superheroes wear capes…some wear folios.

As a husband and father of 3 kids under 6 years, and working as an assistant in a kindergarden for a living, days go by real fast and I've definitely lost count of how many diapers I've changed this year! Covering all the increased expenses for electricity, gas, loan, food and clothing has been a real struggle as of late. The last few months, me and my wife had to swallow the bitter use of the credit card in order keep up with the expences, especially because of all the gifts we wanted to buy for Christmas. Thanks to the Supernote that I got in 2020, I was able to prepare and finish my exams this fall in a very effective way in order to get me an apprenticeship certificate and finally upgrade my salary, starting from 2023. Thankfully, I'll now recieve around 400$ more each month. (Hey, thats about 1 Supernote!)As a vivid fan of board games, I've also drafted an upcoming board game that I'm dreaming of launching on kickstarter one day. It has some resemblance with Viticulture Essential Edition mixed with some other mechanics for those who know the hobby :) Supernote once again proved to be an effective tool in this process, sketching, writing and keeping track of changes along the way. I could really make use of a new pen, because I accidentally dropped my HoM and it got some scratches on it. Luckily, it still works like a charm.I'm looking forward to another year with family, kids, and the Supernote of course. I'm grateful that someone still values software before hardware and long-term visions for their products! It makes each $ spent on a Supernote worth it and it's almost like a Christmas gift each time Supernote launches a new update.Merry Christmas and a Happy New year to all!

To say that my Supernote has been life-changing is an understatement. I love technology, am an advocate for its responsible use, and believe that it should be accessible to anyone. While I love my galaxy phone, computers, and tools, the Supernote has allowed me to cut down my screen time significantly, organize my thoughts better, and take notes in a way that makes me more accessible and present in the moment for conversations. I only take my laptop with me when I believe that I may have to show or present something using a specific program. Finally on the usability end, I have not picked up a pad of paper to write down anything in the year and half since purchasing the Supernote. Combined with the new features such as text recognition in notes, I may never need paper again.Regarding Supernote, and Ratta, as a company. The customer service has been responsive and unparalleled. Their commitment to develop and support current users is appreciated on so many levels. We are so used to constantly upgrading technology with new devices, we forget the times when companies invested in their entire ecosystem and not just the new “shiny” thing. Even if I do not win the prize, this has given me an opportunity to truly thank the people and processes behind this great device. All the best wishes for the remainder of the year, and the amazing things you will accomplish in the future.

After nearly 3 years the A5 is still going strong and still doing what it does best - help me take notes to provide my students with feedback about their learning. Whether it be using the Supernote to tutor students in person or via online (thanks to the A5's screen mirroring) I love how my Supernote device lets me not only reach my goals year after year, but also how it indirectly benefits my students so that they can reach their learning goals.In 2023 I plan to start utilising my A5 more in my personal daily life, rather than keep it exclusively for my work needs all the time. I also plan to continue encouraging my friends, family and students to join the Supernote community - to see how the device can help them reach their goals in whatever way best suits their needs.Happy Holidays Ratta and I hope you can achieve your goals and plans for 2023 - which I'm sure are many ;)

So many people talk about the massive organizational benefits of the Supernote and productivity, gains, which is all true! But what a fantastic stress reliever too!  Although I’m new to Supernote, it has impacted my life in such a positive way especially with my morning routine. No longer do I blast my eyes with the glare from my phone in the morning and get jarred into alerts and the never ending rabbit hole of distractions. Now I ease into the morning with just my Supernote, my pen and my thoughts. Even catching up on emails is distraction free with no banners or blinking lights calling for my attention. I can even transition over to a mindful reading session on the Kindle, while knowing that, if a work thought encroaches I can simply swipe over and jot it down l, then return to my reading. The overall stress reduction in my life over these short days I’ve started using Supernote is meaningful! Looking forward to all the benefits of stress reduction, memory, sharpening, and refocusing in 2023 with my super note!

I've had two big professional mountains this year, and Supernote has been a solid pickaxe for both.
First: the FRCPath part 2. I've been sitting exams most years since starting medical school 16 years ago, but this one was probably the meatiest yet. It's the final hurdle to complete training as a haematologist in the UK. There were a huge amount of guidelines, research papers, summaries and so on to work through. Putting them all on my supernote accomplished three things: 1) No mountains of paper everywhere 2) No teary eyes from laptop screens and 3) The digest function allowed me to zip back through everything in the days before the exam. And I passed - phew!
Second: starting a PhD in the social sciences. This is quite a big professional transition and I'm having to rethink my whole approach to reading and note making.
For reading: I've currently formed a workflow of
Zotero->read and annotate on supernote -> back to Zotero and put any key longer term thoughts onto Obsidian. The difficult bit is the thinking aspect rather than the technical.
For notes: I find it so helpful to be able to physically move into a different room with my SN and just write down some ideas, without my laptop and phone looking at me, temptingly, to be distracted by something else. I've got a few core notebooks for ideas, for planner, for my journal and so on, and I feel I'm getting into a good practice for the next few years at least.
Next year: I want to explore some ways to encourage creative thinking using the supernote. Perhaps just some simple writing prompts, or even trying a few sketches. My 3-year old daughter just likes colouring in the entire screen in black, so there is clearly something very satisfying about this device! Thanks for all the hard work you put into it.

Hi everybody
I am using my A5x on dailly basis for my work (software architect).I am mainly using 3 notes files:
- Dailly follow-up => to track my day to day activity
- Minutes Of Meeting => to keep trace of most important meetings (thanks to custom template)
- My learning => dedicated to self learning topics
I highly use keywords to "tag" my entries in my dailly follow-up (eg: "CI/CD", "bug" ...) and since the last release also links. Thus when I have an important meeting I just add an entry in the "Dailly follo-up" note + a link pointing to the related page in the "Minutes Of Meeting" note.
Since I like "note sketching" I higly used the differents tools : especially the marker to drop shadows (please please enrich this tool !!!) and the ink pen because of the pressure sentivity mgnt.
And of course important entries are enriched with a star mark to be easily retreived!
But all these features would be nothing without the KILLER FEATURE of the SN : the pleasure of a smooth & natural writting feeling!
Honnestly just doodling on the screen it s always a pleasure (espacially during a boring meeting :) )
That's it for me!
I take the opportunity to thanks the Ratta team and the community - its a pleasure to be involved in the product design.
Merry xmas and all the best for 2023

My son Jake was the first in my family to learn about Supernote. He ordered his in January and we were so excited for its arrival. It has helped Jake immensely with his college classes. I ordered mine and patiently waited like everyone else for the Covid restrictions to be lifted. I wanted mine to help keep my medical history up to date. I am a breast cancer survivor and am thankful to have survived thus far, but my chemotherapies had caused much damage to my heart and I have been so sick for many years. Supernote has been such a blessing in my life. I keep a record of all my blood pressures and blood sugars and all my surgeries. Now when I go to see my doctors, I have all the information right there to show them my progress. It has been wonderful being a part of the Supernote community, we all help each other and it feels like we are one big family. It has made such a difference to my life and I thank all the employees of Supernote for their dedication and hard work for continuing to make the Supernote such an amazing tool for the future of writing!

O Supernote, a Yuletide Ode
Supernote, O Supernote,
How do I love thee?
Supernote, O Supernote,
Let me count the ways...
I love you for your tender embrace
of my LAMY pen and
Warm reception to my words,
Your hiccup-free syncing and real paper feel.
Let us all celebrate our now-freed writing,
Your endless pages and template options,
Your eye-friendly screen and
Motivating responsiveness.
O Supernote, O Supernote,
How inviting are thy pages?
O Supernote, O Supernote,
How inspiring are thee??
On Comet
On Cupid
On Donder and Blitzen...

The story begins a long time ago - at a time when Ratta's digital dragons were still flying around the world. At that time lived a knight named Supernote. He roamed the world with his squire, who had the Heart of Metal, on a steed named Cowhide. He helped the people he met on the road - for he had many functions that he had been taught as a child. He caught hoodlums, educated people who couldn't write or draw, and hosted courts where he earned good recommendations and reviews. He brought great change to the world - and so did to the people he helped. Knight Supernote was indeed super - and that's why stories about him have made their way into many people's homes. Thank you oh knight Supernote! May your glory be eternal!
Your devoted servant, Jacubus the Purpellus
P.S. I wish you all a happy and peaceful Christmas!