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Students & Teachers

Be efficient and steer away from distractions in your academic life with Supernote.

Take & share notes faster and smarter

Read more efficiently

Customize your own curriculum

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Take & share notes faster and smarter

Zettelkasten Note-Taking Method

Build connections across notebooks with the help of links to create your own knowledge network.

Folders for each subject & ToC for chapters

Create a specific folder for each subject and a clear title for each chapter. Develop your own notetaking system and make preparations before the week begins to set up your notetaking space for the upcoming week. 

Screen Sharing

Quickly share your thoughts with peers by sharing your screen on any device with a web browser installed. 

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Read more efficiently

Choice of highlighter to make reading more efficient

With a choice of highlighter colors, you can highlight key parts more effectively, making the reading experience more enjoyable.

Multiple formats support

Documents that come in different formats, such as EPUB, PDF, TXT and WORD, are supported on Supernote.

Read e-books

If you have purchased Kindle e-books, you can also read them on device within minimal to no distraction.

Customize your own curriculum

Todo list & planner

No matter whether you are a student or teacher, you will always find our templates handy when you are making a schedule.

Add to calendar

Turn an action item in your schedule into a calendar event and stay updated with the help of Google/Outlook Calendar.

Real-time handwriting recognition

Handwritings will be automatically interpreted into text in the background. Powered by the ability to export to editable TXT and WORD format, it will lift your efficiency to another level.

"As an academic, I do a lot of reading and underlining and scribbling notes and grading and peer reviews and my preference is to mark hard copies. As I'm now shifting some of my research methods away from stats, I've got nearly 2,000 pages of PDFs to read. SN has let me take it all without needing to lug my laptop, strain my eyes on my laptop, and be distracted by things on my laptop."

Spencer Ross

Marketing professor

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