Real-life use cases from #Supernote community

“This is my weekly setup for January. I needed to be more minimalistic then ever since I was used to making my setups on two pages next to eachother. I am going to try out more artsy stuff in February and maybe switch around with the layout as well, but so far I like this layout. It's very clean and effective!“
Credit: @dotted.plans

“#BalikEstudyanteFeels #digitalnotetaking #history 🌱🌻🌍”
Credit: @jennytheninja

“Je reçois de temps en temps la visite d'idées subites et c'est pour cette raison que je me balade toujours avec un carnet (papier avant mais digital maintenant) pour les noter dans un coin avant qu'elles ne disparaissent 🤩 j'adore y revenir plus tard pour les organiser aussi ♥️”
Credit: @elliriny.books

“This device makes me want to sketch because it’s a good mix of analog and digital.”
Credit: @dereklaufman

“Creating little "stickers" on my Supernote A6 X with #oopsadaisyuk stencils.”
Credit: @andrea_in_uk

“This E-ink tablet keeps everything stored in one place. It is easy on my eyes for long reading. I can highlight, draw on the page, or even pull excerpts from what I’m reading to dive into later.”
Credit: @zach.ketocoach

“Sketching in bed 🥱”
Credit: @ChrisLewisLee

“Excited to do my devotions and sketches with it.”
Credit: @Chloe Arun

“Quiet morning for studying 📖📚📝”
Credit: @jennytheninja

“Quiet Thoughts Speak Volumes
Chapter 1: The Father’s Blueprint”

“My habit tracker for February. ❤️ Everything in this minimalistic Valentine's Day theme. 🥰”
Credit: @dotted.plans

“First sketch on Supernote A5 X.4 layers,1 background, 4 colors and a Heart of Metal pen.”
Credit: @One More Ink

“Quiet the mind.”
Credit: @Yu

“Digital doodling in the sunshine!!”
Credit: @macm0nkey

“It was refreshing to work in the backyard weeding, moving rocks and preparing the garden beds. (But I couldn’t resist getting a little sketch in before the sun went down.)”
Credit: @claireastra

“GF drawing a screen saver for my new A6X (based on a drawing by Junji Ito)”
Credit: @u/leonardomoya

“Scanned my entire echocardiography workbook as a pdf and writing all over my supernote instead of my actual book has been a complete joy for studying, plus the actual book is heavier and thicker to carry around than my supernote. So satisfying 😍”
Credit: @Izela Christine

“I'm an architectural designer and had a quick meeting with a client to discuss some changes to their plan. This is brilliant. I'm so happy.”
Credit: @Jeremiah Gammond

“Le principe des zentangles c'est de se laisser porter par les traits et de laisser le motif se créer tout seul.”
Credit: @elliriny.books

“Still working on linking everything to my TOC, I'm so excited by this!”
Credit: @Melody Chesnut-Lacey

“Just started tonight. ❤ the linking!”
Credit: @Amy McCormick Sellmyer

“Footwork and beaches Sunday. Still my favorite park in the 305.Countdown to the Dopey Challenge begins.”
Credit: @entry_line

“Enjoying my new Supernote at Saturday reading club.”

“-30 minute training on Floretes ✅
-1 hour & 15 minutes on Florete notes ✅
Now time to learn about runway maps.”
Credit: @entry_line

“My first self-made note template on my Supernote A5 X but for coffee tasting 😅👀I don’t have “new” coffee beans for tasting yet so I kind of copied the older one.”
Credit: @linkid91

“I've created my own notes and reflections system on my Supernote which has been working well for me. I read slower, but now I have a paper memory of what stood out to me!!”
Credit: @nance.reads🍞🥑

“Work in progress. I want to take the pictures and make the pictures. Forbidden City-China.”
Credit: @Sheila Mac

“The ability to draw precise lines is a game changer.”
Credit: @Nicole

“My first e-ink sketch✍️. It is smooth and like drawing on paper.”
Credit: @yu.jia_life